Please read and familiarize yourself with the following Internet Policy for the Watertown Library Association:

Through computer technology we provide access to our own collections as well as outside resources.
The Library offers free public access to the World Wide Web on the Internet as an enhancement of services. The World Wide Web provides access to a wealth of information that is personally, professionally, and culturally enriching to individuals of all ages but it is just one source of information. Often the information being sought will be found in library books, periodicals, or electronic databases. Patrons are encouraged to ask the Reference Librarian for assistance in finding the best sources for their research.
The Library does recommend interesting and useful destinations and resources for patrons to explore, but the user, not the Library, ultimately selects the materials to view. The Watertown Library does not assume responsibility for the accuracy, content, completeness, or type of information found on the Web. Patrons are advised to exercise judgment and discrimination when evaluating the usefulness and reliability of material found on the World Wide Web.
Public machines have been secured because of an influx of aggressive viruses. Specific sites have been designated as inaccessible because of viruses and/or material that does not meet our materials selection policy.
Parents are expected to monitor and supervise children’s searches. Responsibility for children’s use of library materials rests with their parents or legal guardians.
Web mail may be utilized on the Library web stations but due to system management considerations other electronic mail, chat rooms icq, instant messaging, bulletin boards, ftp, user groups, and news groups are not available on Watertown Library Internet terminals.
Users are expected to obey all federal, state, and local laws.
The U. S. Copyright Law (title 17, U. S. Code) prohibits unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted materials; therefore users may not copy or distribute electronically accessed materials without permission of copyright holder, except as permitted by "fair use" principles. Responsibility for copyright infringement is with the users. The Library disclaims liability resulting from such infringements.
The Internet Policy is subject to revision at any time.
Please read and familiarize yourself with the following guidelines for internet access on the Library web stations:
- Access is on a first come, first serve basis.
- Responsibility for copyright infringement is with the user.
- Users must not alter, remove or damage configurations, software or hardware.
- Prohibited uses: chat rooms, bulletin boards, icq, instant messaging, ftp, user groups, news groups, display of sexually explicit material, and for profit or gambling ventures.
- Misuse or abuse of workstations will result in suspension of access privileges.
- Users must obey all federal, state, and local laws.
Adopted by Board of Trustees November 18, 2003.