Watertown Library provides print and non-print circulating materials as well as reference materials to borrowers of all ages. Qualified Librarians are on duty at all times to assist you with your information needs.
With your Watertown Library Card you are eligible to check out books, movies, music, magazines, ebooks, audio books, videos and more. You will also have access our Premium Resources pages which contain: top electronic databases, digital publications, internet directories, online tests, tutorials & learning and more.
Only Watertown and Oakville residents are issued Library Cards, however, any out-of-town patron with a valid library card issued by their hometown library may borrow materials.
Watertown/Oakville Adult Residents may use a current CT driver's license or a picture ID with birth date and one of the following as proof of current Watertown/Oakville street address: car registration; car insurance card; real estate tax bill; utility bill; or any other business mail with your address.
For a Child's Card (8th grade and under): ID signatures of parent/guardian are required.
Applications for Library Cards are available at either the Main Library (470 Main Street, Watertown CT 06795) or the Branch Library (55 Davis Street, Oakville CT 06779).
You may also email us at reference@watertownlibrary.org or call us at 860-945-5360.
Your library card has an expiration date.
To update or renew your library card please email us at reference@watertownlibrary.org or call us at 860-945-5360