The Watertown Library collection currently has over 75,000 printed materials in circulation. The Oakville Branch Library houses a children's collection and popular adult reading.
The inclusion of digital resources have allowed us to expand the scope of both our research and recreational materials available for our users.
In addition to our in-house materials, the library subscribes to thousands of online books, audiobooks, magazine and newspaper articles, indices, electronic databases, digital publications and internet directories, as well as online tests, tutorials and learning, history and genealogy research, investment research, car care guidance, job search services, career aid and more.
If you need assistance with finding the best sources for your research or with accessing our online resources please contact our Reference Librarian by phone at (860) 945-5360 or email us at Reference@watertownlibrary.org .
With our Premium Resources you have access to top electronic databases, digital publications, internet directories, online tests, tutorials & learning, magazines, ebooks, videos and so much more!
These online resources are available both in-house and remotely. A valid Watertown Library Card is required in order to access our online resources remotely.
If you need need to aquire, update or renew your library card, email us at Reference@watertownlibrary.org or call us at 860-945-5360.
From Arts & Literature to the Moon & More!
We've categorized and annotated our WEB LINKS to various web sites under popular subject headings in order to help you find information on the WWW quickly.